WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. Kingussie Proposals Proposals KG/H1 i. This 16.05Ha site would provide land for short and longer term housing supply in Kingussie. It could provide land for around 300 dwellings, [RED with 75 of these provided during the life of the Plan.The phasing of the site will be required to take into account access provision to the site and the capacity of the existing road network. RED] ii. The site runs north from the A86 by Craig an Darach towards Kerrow Farm and west from Kerrow Farm to the rear of properties bounding Ardbroilach Road and is bounded by forestry to the north. The site is currently improved grassland grazed by livestock. iii. [BLUE Access to this site should be taken from the local road network. BLUE] [RED A traffic impact assessment will be required to ensure development of this site and others in neighbouring Newtonmore do not create an unacceptable cumulative impact on the A86 or A9. RED] iv. The National Park Authority will work with partners to produce a [RED masterplan RED] for the site [RED to ensure effective provision of housing in line with the phasing outlined in Table 4. This masterplan should clarify the position regarding key infrastructure issues. The development of this site presents an excellent opportunity to provide opportunities for large and small scale developers and builders to work together to bring forward the delivery of the proposal. This will be recognised in the masterplan. RED] KG/ED1: [RED Land to the east of the settlement provides opportunity for economic development in support of the settlement and its sustainable community. A prominent site, the design of any development will be to the highest standards and both the siting and design should integrate with the landscape. RED] [RED KG/ED2: A small area of land to the west of Spey Street and adjacent to the railway line could also provide some opportunity to support the economic development of the settlement. RED] KG/Env: A number of open spaces [RED and land which contributes to the setting of Kingussie are identified and RED] will be protected from [RED adverse RED] development. Image: Map of Kingussie (Not available in full text format - please refer to PDF file) This map is based on Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office (c) Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Cairngorms National Park Authority 100040965 2008 (c)SNH. Remove this env site Legend Cairngorms National Park Sites of Special Scientific Interest Special Protection Areas Special Area of Conservation Ramsar Convention Site National Nature Reserve Gardens & Designed Landscapes National Scenic Area Conservation Area Settlement Boundary Indicative Settlement Boundary Settlement Zone Type Community Economic Development Housing Environment Village Centre